Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychologists are interested in how internal mental processes work. They look at how people perceive and understand the world around them, how memory works, how people can think flexibly and solve problems, and how we are able to use language.
Articles about cognitive psychology
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Language is a vital part of being human, and some argue it is what sets us apart from other animals. But plenty of mysteries remain.
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Mental health problems have a huge impact on society, but are poorly understood.
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A field at the cusp of scientific and philosophical thinking, but have we fully understood the outcomes of such a progressive movement.
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Emotions are a vital part of society, but there are still plenty of mysteries surrounding them – from what they are for to whether it will be possible, or desirable, to create AI that experiences them.
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Our memories make us who we are, and yet we still don't understand how memories are stored in the brain, or what happens when problems develop.
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Our senses allow us to explore and interact with the world around us. Even the simplest living organisms have some way to sense their environment - and some animals can sense in ways we can't even imagine!
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How does learning happen in the brain? And how does it change throughout our lives?
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What is time? We can measure it in terms of regular events like the Earth moving round the sun, but it can change with perspective, known in relativity as time dilation, and depends upon our perspective.
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Scientists are very interested in twins because it helps us identify the differences between genetic and environmental factors that influence health and behaviour.
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Pregnancy is associated with more and poorer sleep and some women have bizarre and vivid dreams.
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Blog posts about cognitive psychology
Our blog posts are often written by scientists about their ongoing research