Developments in biology are vitally important, in part, because they can inform clinical practice, and help doctors become better able to treat their patients. This is the field of biomedicine, where researchers aim to find out more about the underlying mechanisms of a disease, so clinicians are better able to treat it.
Articles about biomedicine
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For the moment at least, it seems that ageing is an inevitable part of life. And yet scientists don't really understand how, or why, we age.
Delve deeper into aging
The effects of space travel on the human body are still being investigated. Until the risks are fully understood, humanity faces limits in the scope of their space exploration.
Delve deeper into space medicine
There are many open questions surrounding vaccines – but perhaps not the first questions that come to mind. Vaccines do not cause autism, but there are many things we don’t know about them, such as why some wear off.
Delve deeper into vaccines
Our immune systems are vital for our survival as they protect us from bacterial, viruses and other pathogens that could cause us harm. But sometimes, they can go wrong, and cause damage to our bodies.
Delve deeper into immune system
Blog posts about biomedicine
Our blog posts are often written by scientists about their ongoing research