Molecular Biology
Molecular biology looks at the structure of cells, and the systems within them at the molecular level, to understand how they work and interact. They are particularly interested in how DNA and the proteins it codes for affect the cell.
Articles about molecular biology
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For the moment at least, it seems that ageing is an inevitable part of life. And yet scientists don't really understand how, or why, we age.
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There are many open questions surrounding vaccines – but perhaps not the first questions that come to mind. Vaccines do not cause autism, but there are many things we don’t know about them, such as why some wear off.
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Our immune systems are vital for our survival as they protect us from bacterial, viruses and other pathogens that could cause us harm. But sometimes, they can go wrong, and cause damage to our bodies.
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The ecosystem in your gut – how the microbiome might affect what we eat, what illnesses we get and whether we gain weight easily. How to change your microbiome and why it's such a fuzzy business.
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Proteins are nature's robots, essential for growth, repair and catalysis, undergoing mysterious folding and holding the answers to evolution and the development of multiple diseases.
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In 1953, thalidomide was prescribed for morning sickness, but then over 10,000 babies were born with deformities.
Delve deeper into thalidomide
From two wombs to signs of pregnancy without an actual pregnancy, reproduction can be weird, wonderful, and sometimes scary. So what are some of the weirdest pregnancies out there?
Delve deeper into unusual pregnancies
Blog posts about molecular biology
Our blog posts are often written by scientists about their ongoing research