Abnormal Psychology
All brains differ, but sometimes a person’s brain works in such a different way that they struggle to live independently in society. These people often require a diagnosis with a psychological condition - these can be anything from Autism to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to Schizophrenia. Abnormal Psychology is the study of these conditions. Researchers are trying to find out in what ways the brains of sufferers differ from the brains of healthy people, what the underlying causes may be, and how best to help sufferers, whether through drugs, therapy, or more extreme sounding treatments like deep brain stimulation.
Articles about abnormal psychology
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Mental health problems have a huge impact on society, but are poorly understood.
Delve deeper into mental health
Our memories make us who we are, and yet we still don't understand how memories are stored in the brain, or what happens when problems develop.
Delve deeper into memory
Pregnancy is a time of great vulnerability, so it may come as no surprise that mental health conditions are higher for women on average around pregnancy (including during and just after) than any other time.
Delve deeper into perinatal mental health
Blog posts about abnormal psychology
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