Our Team
Our staff comprise the core management team and a number of editors who produce articles, using inputs from contributors. TWDK contributors come from all the different disciplines of science, each writing about their own speciality.
We also employ science students from a number of universities, primarily as content writers. If you’re interested in working for us, please contact our recruitment team. You may also wish to find us on LinkedIn.
Management Team

Ed Trollope is the Founder of TWDK, he provides the vision and leadership for the team, and oversees everything going on across the company. He has put together much of the technical side of the website, and coordinates contributions from scientists and staff.
With qualifications from four UK universities (including both science and software engineering), Ed has been passionate about science communications for many years and has been involved in a number of science outreach programmes. When he’s not busy explaining science or launching websites, he works as a spacecraft engineer - our very own rocket scientist.
Ed can be found on twitter as @RocketEddy

Stewart Bosier is our Company Secretary. He possesses a degree in astrophysics and his presence at TWDK is part of a welcome rekindling of his love for science after many years of pursuing other interests. Stewart looks after the finance and legal aspects of the company.
Stewart has over a decade’s experience working in the financial sector and now specialises in the management of expatriate tax compliance engagements for a range of multinational corporations in the R&D and technology sectors. He enjoys acting as his office’s newsletter editor - a position that gives him the privilege of ruthlessly striking out corporate jargon wherever he finds it, a practice he continues at TWDK.
Editorial Team

Ginny Smith is our Natural Sciences Editor, a subject in which she graduated from Cambridge University. Ginny has a special interest in psychology and a passion for communicating science to the public.
When not writing articles for TWDK, Ginny writes science books for DK publishing and develops and delivers neuroscience and psychology shows and workshops for schools and festivals. She also presents for the Naked Scientists who produce science podcasts and radio shows for the BBC and internationally, and for Cambridge TV’s regular science show.
Ginny can be found on twitter as @GinnyFBSmith

Rowena Fletcher-Wood is our Chemical and Materials Sciences Editor. She has an MChem from Oxford University and a PhD in environmental chemistry from Birmingham University.
Rowena is a science communicator, performer and storyteller, and writes fiction when she’s not busy writing about science. She is a committee member of the Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Chemistry interest group and organises adult science events for Science Oxford.
Rowena can be found on twitter as @RowenaFW

Malte Elson is our Social Sciences Editor. He is a psychology graduate, pursuing his PhD on methodological issues in media effects research, such as the oversight of frustrating experiences. His research interests include digital games and aggression and the social aspects of co-playing.
Malte also works as a research associate in the ERC project SOFOGA at the department of communication, University of Münster (Germany). Malte is also the creator of JournalReviewer.org - a website that aggregates information researchers provide about their experience with academic journals’ review processes.
Website Development

Alex Hamilton is our front end web developer and CSS guru. Alex has over a decade of experience in web development, and holds an MSc in Astrophysics from Queen Mary University of London and a BSc in Maths and Computer Science from the Open University. He is now sitting a PhD in Solar Physics at the University of Hull. He is responsible for the responsive design of the website, making Ed’s designs come to life, and working the behind-the-scenes magic that drives the site.
Alex has previously spent a summer working at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) as a member of the ATLAS team which helped discover the Higgs Boson, and has a strong background in science & technology.
Academic Contributors

Academic contributors are scientists who form a vital part of our concept, and come from a long list of institutions all over the world. Through these contributors telling us about the work being done in their respective fields, we are able to ensure the accuracy of our content and bring to all our users the most up to date and relevant information on a wide variety of topics.