Geophysics is the study of the physical properties and processes of the Earth and its surrounding environment in space - from the microscopic properties of minerals to the gravitational and magnetic fields acting on the planet.
Using physical techniques Geophysicists study the internal structure and dynamic behaviour of the Earth and its environment, and contribute to many fields of research that have led society to where it is today. These include the production of energy and water resources, the safeguarding of the natural environment and analysis of the movement of air pollution, the Earth’s changing environment and the study of the formation of the Earth.
Articles about geophysics
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We still don't know a lot about what is right underneath our feet, let alone what’s lurking miles down.
Delve deeper into structure of the earth
Volcanic eruptions can be hugely devastating events, wiping out towns and villages in the wake of the magma flows or ash clouds.
Delve deeper into volcanoes
The search for alien life catches many people's imagination and has always been a very public branch of science. So with all this investigation, why has our search revealed nothing? Are we truly alone in the Universe?
Delve deeper into extraterrestrial life
We don’t know what causes lightning, how much of it there is, nor how to predict it. As global temperatures increase, so does lightning; as lightning increases, so do global temperatures. Its impact on atmospheric chemistry is still being explored.
Delve deeper into lightning
Geoengineering the climate would mean venturing into new technology with huge consequences. But what might those consequences be and is there an alternative solution to anthropogenic climate change?
Delve deeper into geoengineering
Blog posts about geophysics
Our blog posts are often written by scientists about their ongoing research