Geochemistry is the chemical analysis of the composition and mechanisms of major geological systems such as Earth, using our knowledge of chemistry and its investigative tools. It has played a fundamental role in the growth of our understanding of Earth and, indeed, other bodies in the Solar System.
Analysis of the properties, distribution and migration of chemical substances and isotopes in a planetary body reveals much about its origins and active processes. The application of geochemical techniques is an increasingly important element of environmental research and has the potential to attract greater commercial interest.
Articles about geochemistry
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Scientists agree that human activities are causing climate change, but the finer details are still unknown.
Delve deeper into climate change
Water is vital for our survival, but how much do we really know about it?
Delve deeper into water
The origins of life – where and how did life begin?
Delve deeper into origin of life
We don’t know what causes lightning, how much of it there is, nor how to predict it. As global temperatures increase, so does lightning; as lightning increases, so do global temperatures. Its impact on atmospheric chemistry is still being explored.
Delve deeper into lightning
Chemists are exploring ways to mimic nature’s selective, low-temperature biochemical reactions that make delicate and reactive structures. Previously, chemists had copied high temperature geological reactions.
Delve deeper into ambient chemistry
Blog posts about geochemistry
Our blog posts are often written by scientists about their ongoing research