Zoology, or Animal Biology, is a very diverse field involving the study of organisms as a whole, and how they interact to create the ecosystems that are visible (and invisible) in the environment around us. Zoology encompasses a wide spectrum of topics, ranging from animal behaviour to their genetics, with conservation and paleobiology playing equally important roles. Research into these areas includes building robotic jellyfish and deciphering the communication of insects!Articles about zoology
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Despite its amazing ability to explain how species change and diverge there are some areas of evolution that scientists are still working to understand.
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We see birds around us every day, so you might think we know all there is to know about our feathered friends – but that is far from the case!
Delve deeper into birds
Whales; the majestic, mysterious mammals of the ocean.
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Sharks are one of our most poorly understood animals, hard to study, dangerous and diverse, impacting the ecosystem and sometimes our daily lives.
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Animals certainly communicate – some using sounds, and others using body language, pheromones or even electricity. But does any of this actually constitute language?
Delve deeper into animal communication
Going without sleep will kill you faster than going without food. But why?
Delve deeper into sleep
Chameleons hold a fascinating blend of traits that scientists have been studying for many years.
Delve deeper into chameleons
If a keystone species is lost, the entire ecosystem can collapse.
Delve deeper into keystone species
Ebola is one of the most contagious and dangerous diseases, but between outbreaks the disease must be hiding somewhere. Some suspect bats, but is this really true?
Delve deeper into bats and ebola
There’s still a whole herd of things we don’t know about bovine TB, its nature, spread and the effects of badger culling: could culling reduce it - or make it worse?
Delve deeper into bovine tb
The disease COVID-19, caused coronavirus, was thought to originate from a seafood market in China, and be 10,000 years old... but it may come from elsewhere and be millions of years older.
Delve deeper into coronavirus
Blog posts about zoology
Our blog posts are often written by scientists about their ongoing research